Interested in furthering your professional and personal potential in innovation and creative-problem solving? There is an opportunity for Army members to undertake free external training.
Army Innovation Training is an online, self-paced training module, designed by Alto Education in close consultation with the Army MakerSpace and run by QinetiQ. As it is sponsored by Army's Robotics and Autonomous Systems Implementation and Control Office (RICO), it is free to undertake for all Army members!
This course presents a unique opportunity for Army personnel to upskill, with the specific goal of teaching participants how to develop creative solutions using existing resources in order to problem solve. The team at Alto have built this course in close consultation with Army personnel of various ranks, who provided feedback on what they have found useful, what they would like to learn and how.
This module is centered around lessons from Ukraine, and the ability to come up with creative ways of using new & old technologies, like drones, has had a differentiated impact in the field. Offering flexible learning, this course is being held 100 percent online and participants can expect the training to take approximately five hours to complete, including opportunities to apply their learning.
What you will learn
You will learn processes on:
- Creative problem-solving: You will learn how to develop creative solutions to problems using your existing resources.
- Validating ideas: You will learn how to validate that an idea is worth pitching.
- Pitching ideas: You will learn how to best pitch ideas within the Army to maximise the likelihood of getting support.
The training is taught via tiny readings and videos that you can do on your phone. Readings on average take no more than 5 minutes to review and use, videos are 30 seconds on average.
Upon completion of the module, participants will receive an Innovation Certificate.
If this learning opportunity is something that interests you, you can sign up for it here.
But you better get in quick, as there are only 119 places remaining, and remember- it's free to register!
If there are still places available, you should be able to click on the link in the article above and sign up/register.
All the best,
From the Cove Team