Terms of use
Last updated 13 March 2025
By registering for The Cove "this website", you agree to the following:
- By registering and using this website, you agree to follow these terms. If you don't agree, please do not register and use this website.
- Use the website responsibly and in line with Defence values. Don't post harmful content, hack the site, or break any laws.
- By registering you agree to participate in The Cove's gamification features, which will track participation and share some user progress with other users. This data will also be used to provide and improve our services and provide insights into this website's usage.
- Comments and posts made when you are logged in will be linked to your account and profile.
- If you post anything on the website (like comments or posts), you allow us to use and display it.
- Don't post anything illegal, offensive, or misleading.
- The Cove Team may moderate or remove content at our discretion if it violates these terms or is deemed inappropriate.
- We may contact you from time to time about new features, new content, and other related PME topics.
- If you choose to verify as a Defence member, this status will be shown to other verified users, and you will have access to new features. Your approval details/real identity will not be made available other standard users of this website.
- We collect and use your data as detailed in our Privacy Policy. Please read it to understand how we handle your information.
- We are not responsible for any issues or damages that happen from using this website. Use it at your own risk.
- These terms may change over time. If you keep using the website, that means you accept the changes.
- If you have any questions, please contact us.
By registering for this website, you confirm that you have read and understand these terms.
© Commonwealth of Australia 2016
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This material can not be used to imply an endorsement from or an association with the Department of Defence without the written permission of the Department of Defence (obtained through the Defence Web Manager). Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (for example, "fair dealing" for the purposes of reporting news under section 103B of the Copyright Act), all other rights are reserved.