The Unofficial Staff Officer Guide Book by Squadron Leader Claire Pearson contains a collection of handy tips and advice to assist anyone appointed into a staff role. This booklet complements doctrine by bringing together useful insights and recommendations from officers who have fulfilled military staff roles. The guide book contains a number of interesting topics such as: tips on presentations, communicating through email, preparing staff briefs, organisational skills, planning and running meetings, and the qualities of a staff officer. There is also a section to assist those appointed as Military Advisors. Although primarily compiled for those fulfilling staff roles, much of the information in this booklet is relevant and useful for anyone serving in the Australian Defence Force.
The Unofficial Staff Officer Guide Book
Claire Pearson has produced The Unofficial Staff Officer Guide Book, a collection of tips and advice to anyone fulfilling a staff role.
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Claire Pearson

Claire Pearson has served in a variety of ISR roles in the Air and Joint domains. With a Joint Operations bias, she has deployed as an embed officer in US 10th Mountain Light Infantry Division (Kandahar, Afghanistan), an embed in ISAF HQ (Kabul, Afghanistan), a UN Peacekeeper in UNMISS (Bor, South Sudan), and to the Middle East. Claire has been posted to numerous staff roles in HQJOC and JCG, served as a MA, Sub-unit Commander, and XO. As a qualified military Gender Advisor, she is a passionate advocate of applying a gendered perspective to vulnerable persons and also to all foreign combatants during the Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration (DDR) process to achieve operational success.
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