Flight Lieutenant Peter Sleeth (1EHS) is a Melbourne based Reserve Air Force Nursing Officer. Peter is currently a lecturer in Public Health at Victoria University and has worked as a perioperative nurse in rural and metropolitan settings. He is enrolled as a PhD student with the Department of Archaeology and History at La Trobe University and has been teaching on Melbourne’s Definitive Perioperative Nursing Trauma Course since 2009.
Squadron Leader Ron Jithoo (1EHS) (MBBS FRACS (Neurosurgery) is a Melbourne based Neurosurgeon working at the Alfred and Royal Darwin hospitals and in private practice. He is past acting head of the Alfred Hospital Department of Neurosurgery and has taken part in a DFAT Australia Myanmar surgical teaching program. He has recently deployed to the MER and has been teaching on Melbourne’s Definitive Surgical Trauma Care course since 2005.