
Summary of Learning:
Technological shifts, social change, uncertain economic conditions, and the emergence of new business models have created a highly competitive and dynamic business environment. In this new era, the effective management of change has become essential for sustained organisational success and has become an essential competency for professionals. In this course you will explore the complexities of change management, develop practical competencies in planning organisational change and the use of change management approaches.

The Learning Objective:
1.develop an understanding of approaches to investigate structurally and dynamically complex organisational change and development problems and opportunities.
2.  develop an understanding of social and ethical approaches of organisational change and development initiatives.
3. Develop an understanding of how to communicate and present change management plans and recommendations effectively 

Digital Badging – a new way to gain qualifications!

Digital Badges are used by educational and learning organisations as competency-based signifiers of achievement. Now you can achieve a civilian university recognised academic credential, being a Digital Badge from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) through completing any Cove+ unit and passing the test of objectives.

For a 10 hour course, organisations like QUT often charge over $600 for this type of training and the issue of a Digital Badge.

If your course is an AQF 4 or 5 level course (vocational), you can do a ten question quiz to gain a badge. But be careful, this isn’t Campus course, you need to know the content to pass! If your course is an AQF 6 or 7 level course (undergraduate), then you need to submit an 800 word essay which will be assessed by a QUT lecturer.

Digital Badges are issued within 10 working days of unit completion.

You can share your Digital Badges to your LinkedIn profile, note it on personal CVs, and even include it in email signature blocks. See the examples below of a Cove+ module Digital Badge.