The Cove is a professional development resource for the Australian Profession of Arms. It is designed to help military professionals sharpen their skills, connect with peers and allies, and develop new concepts and ideas for consideration. As a Cove User, you agree to abide by the Cove Charter. This is your commitment to be part of our community. This holds true both on the site, and when interacting with The Cove social media identities. The Cove Charter is simple. To use the site, you just have to reflect the values of the Australian Army. For The Cove, these translate as follows:

  • Courage – You need to have the courage to present your ideas openly and frankly, and to challenge others in a way that is always constructive.
  • Initiative – The Cove seeks to leverage a small contribution from every member of the community to support the whole. You need to use your initiative to seek out quality resources and lessons from which we can all learn.
  • Respect – You need to treat every other member of the community with respect. They are all there for the same reason: to share experience, and master the Profession of Arms.
  • Teamwork – You need to work for the benefit of the Team, as well as for yourself. You need to remain humble, and help those who seek advice. Arrogance and scorn have no place.

The Cove is innovative in the way it seeks to reduce a rank-focus, and instead lean towards the idea that we are all professionals on a journey towards mastery of our chosen profession. However with this 'flat' approach comes responsibility. All users of The Cove must be mature enough to respect the freedoms the platform provides. Those who prove themselves lacking in maturity will simply be blocked from the conversation.