With armed conflicts taking place in so many parts of the Muslim world, the Islamic law of war is as indispensable as ever for the protection of civilians and others. Over the centuries, classical Muslim jurists have provided an impressive legal framework that seeks to ensure humanity in war, just as the Geneva Conventions do. The principles underpinning international humanitarian law transcend legal traditions, civilizations and cultures. Emphasising this universality is essential to improving respect and protection for people affected by armed conflict in the Muslim world.

The Cove hosted the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for a CoveTalk at the Australian Defence College on how Islamic law regulates the use of force.

Dr Ahmed AI-Dawoody is the ICRC's foremost expert on Islamic law and jurisprudence. His presentation on the overlap between Islamic law and international humanitarian law unpacked the work of the ICRC in this area - towards better compliance and respect for the laws of war. Dr AI-Dawoody was introduced by Leonard Blazeby, ICRC Head of Mission in Australia, and his presentation was followed by a Q&A session.

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