How the Dutch Tackle Leadership Development in Army Leaders
Major Peter de Bock and Doctor Peter Olsthoorn via the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies examine in depth what leadership theories should underpin the promotion courses for junior officers, and how to develop cutting edge leaders.
< 30 mins
A General's perspective on Raising and Training the Australian Army
Major General Peter 'Gus' Gilmore, AO, DSC gives an address at the Royal United Services Institute of New South Wales (RUSI NSW). He provides us with strategic level insight into a range of issues affecting the bulk of the Australian Army, and explains how priorities are shifting as we move towards 2030
< 15 mins
The Importance of Trust in the Army Profession
Two Articles focusing on the importance of trust - The first is by Major Jim Nemec via The Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE), and the second is by Colonel Charles Allen & Colonel William Braun via the United States Army Combined Arms Centre (USACAC).
< 30 mins
Finding Time for Professional Reading
Listening to audio books as an alternate to physically reading is occasionally frowned upon by the academically elite, however this article by Nicholas Simontis via The Military Leader, explains the benefits of listening to audiobooks and professional podcasts in all the 'wasted time'.
< 5 mins