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James Long
Warrant Officer

James Long is an Infantry Warrant Officer having served the majority of his career with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment. He has been a Recruit Instructor at the 1st Recruit Training Battalion, completed roles as an Observer Trainer and Headquarters Exercise Planner at the Combat Training Centre and is currently the Formation Welfare Warrant Officer for the 3rd Brigade.

The AAI RQ-7 Shadow Uncrewed Aerial Systems prepared for launch.
More Than the Acceleration of Technology: How Army Must Adapt to the Changing Character of War
This article seeks to remind us not to focus on just the most spectacular advancements when it comes to adopting new technologies and techniques.
< 15 mins
Australian Army soldiers from Task Group Taji 3 relax aboard a Royal Australian Air Force C-130J aircraft while flying to Iraq.
Refit to Fight
This article offers advice for how Defence Force members should use their Reduced Tempo Period.
< 15 mins
Australian Army soldiers from 11th Brigade provide clearing access to essential infrastructure at Wongawallan, Queensland.
Is a National Emergency Response Force a Realistic Capability?
This article is a different point of view national service, in response to the article written by McLeod Wood “Considering the Heretical: Whole of Government Universal Service in Australia”.
< 15 mins
ADF candidates participating in the 4 Squadron screening week climb the Stockton sand dunes as part of the Signature Session component of assessment.
The Role of Welfare in Combined Arms Operations of 2045 – Cove Comp '23
This is the 2nd place entry for Other Ranks in the Cove Comp 23, which asked entrants to ‘Describe how your role will evolve to contribute to Combined Arms operations in the Army of 2045.’
< 15 mins
Australian Army soldiers on exercise.
Be More Than Just a Name on a Spreadsheet
This article discusses the ways in which a JNCO should plan out their career in Army and make their desires known to command.
< 15 mins
An Australian Army officer talks to a Defence member during an Australian Defence Force Member and Family Transition Seminar.
Three Certainties in Life: Death, Taxes & Transitions
This article warns service members to prepare for transition early and provides some resources for transition.
< 15 mins
Headquarters 1st Division command handover parade.
What is it you actually do here?
This article broaches the question of what an Operations Warrant Officer does when performing their role within Army.
< 15 mins