Showing 2883 results
Scientific skills and communication
This unit provides the foundation for scientific procedures and protocols as well as an oral, written and visual language, providing familiarity with skills and knowledge to communicate and excel in scientific fields of study. This unit is for students from all disciplines to develop skills and knowledge of health and safety issues, advanced computer and web-based skills, oral, written and visual communication.
> 30 mins
Introduction to Project Management
This unit will provide students with an understanding of the processes and management practices associated with the profession of project management. The course is designed to introduce participants to the project management body of knowledge through the various project management activities, focusing on integration, scope, cost, and schedule management. This unit is for students from all disciplines to develop skills and knowledge of project management and no prior knowledge or experience is assumed.
> 30 mins
Introduction to Social Media
In this unit, students seek to discover how social media can be used as a strategic communication tool. Students learn to create or enhance professional online profiles and learn which platforms are most effective in delivery a message to a target audience. This unit is for students from all disciplines to develop their understanding and management of social media in personal and professional contexts.
> 30 mins
Communication and Media
This unit will review various types of communication and how and why these are used in different situations to produce different outcomes. By exploring how we communicate and reflect on our own media consumption habits to consider ways in which mass media influence communication. By exploring how we communicate, greater insight will be gained into human behaviour and a better understanding of our role in society. This unit is for students from all disciplines to develop their understanding of how we communicate effectively within organisations.
> 30 mins
Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour focuses on human behaviour within organisational contexts. This enables an understanding of the self and others within the workplace and the subsequent impact on organisational effectiveness. The course focuses on principles, approaches, and theories of workplace behaviour in relation to individuals, groups and organisational contexts with the aim of the students developing greater understanding of complex organisational issues and solving relevant workplace problems. This unit is for students from all disciplines to develop their management of human behaviour within organisations.
> 30 mins
Introduction to managing people
The effective and efficient operation of business is human resource-intensive. Strategies used to attract, motivate, manage and retain the right people are challenges facing all business managers. This unit introduces you to how these challenges can be met in practice. This includes functions such as recruitment, training, performance management and teamwork that are underpinned by fairness and respect, health and safety, and equity and diversity.
> 30 mins
Applied Critical Thinking & Reasoning
This unit aims to teach the fundamentals of applied critical thinking and reasoning. Students will learn how to construct, analyse, and critically evaluate arguments; how to detect common fallacies in reasoning; and how to think logically and creatively. This unit is aimed at students of all disciplines to form foundations in critical and creative thinking by developing practical techniques for the evaluation of reasoning, and applying them to arguments from business, law, science, politics, philosophy and the media.
> 30 mins
Organisational psychology
This unit introduces students to psychological perspectives of the world of work, including both individual and organisational aspects. Topics covered are personnel selection, job attitudes, stress, personality, and human factors at work. Students discover some of the ways organisational psychologists have used the science of psychology to learn more about the human condition and to assist in the effective management of businesses. This unit is aimed at students of all disciplines to form foundations in organisational psychology through an appreciation of job analysis; recruitment and selection techniques; occupational stress management; and other psychological issues in the workplace.
> 30 mins
Psychological science - Putting theory into practice
This unit assists students to understand their options within the psychology field, the standards of professional practice that will be required of them and pathways to higher study or employment. In order to aid students to gain a more practical understanding of the psychology profession, and to make informed decisions about their own future. This unit is aimed at students seeking to develop a deeper understanding of the applications of psychology in specific disciplines in a range of environments.
> 30 mins
This unit examines leadership from the perspective of neuroscience. Research in cognitive science is providing us with a greater understanding of how to improve personal behaviours and leadership performance. It is showing us what areas of the brain are implicated in different sorts of interactions, how the various areas of the brain work together to process all sorts of complex processes like stress, change, psychological safety; it is even showing us how the brain influences our inherent levels of grit and determination and how we can increase them. The unit will discuss the practical implications of this brain knowledge, and how to leverage it for successful leadership. Research also tells us that those who grasp the meaning and implications of this research will be positioned to improve individual performance, as well as that of teams and organizations.
> 30 mins