'Does Army plan to use robot-human teaming on the battlefield?'
'How will Quantum Technologies change the equipment that we use? The uniforms we wear? The vehicles we drive?'
'Can we use AI to speed up the IMAP process?'
What questions do you have about AI or Quantum Tech?
Mention of Artificial Intelligence (AI) conjures images of both futuristic robotics and present-day chat platforms, while Quantum Technology might remind us of advanced physics or Ant-Man. But what do these terms really refer to, and why are they important for Army’s future? The Cove will be featuring these topics over the next few months under several initiatives:
- Short videos about AI from Army experts.
- An online question box to gather your questions about AI or Quantum Tech and direct them to a panel.
- Takeaways from the Quantum Tech Challenge in Perth in late August.
- The launch of a podcast about emerging technologies.
- And, of course, your submitted articles.
Artificial Intelligence
The ADF Robotics and Automated Systems Strategy defines AI as “a collection of techniques and technologies that demonstrate behaviour and automate functions that are typically associated with, or exceed the capacity of, human intelligence.”
Clearly, this is far broader than large language models like ChatGPT or Google Bard that have recently been associated with the term “AI”. We would be interested in receiving articles about your experience with these chat platforms and their application to Army, but we would also love to hear your ideas on other applications of AI that will affect Army’s future, including:
- The use of data to predict future information.
- Robotic and autonomous systems.
- Opportunities for the military application of these technologies.
- Developments in military use of AI around the world.
If you want to find out more before submitting a contribution, why not start by doing the Cove+ units on Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Robotics, or Understanding the Impacts of Technology? These self-paced courses are free for Defence members and can earn you Digital Badges from Queensland University of Technology.
Quantum Technologies
Army’s Quantum Technology Roadmap recognises that Australia already has a unique strength in the area of quantum technology, presenting us with an opportunity to develop military advantage. A ‘quantum system’ is made up of elementary particles whose behaviour can be understood according to the laws of quantum physics. Quantum technologies manipulate and measure the states of these systems to “reach the ultimate limits of sensing, imaging, communications and computing, and thus promise otherwise impossible capabilities”. We would love to receive submissions about the nature and application of these technologies, including:
- Quantum sensing and imaging.
- Quantum communications and cryptography.
- Quantum computing.
Will you be in Perth for the Chief of Army Symposium, Robotics Expo, and Quantum Technology Challenge in late August? Consider submitting an account of your experience for the benefit of other readers of The Cove.
Question Box
Have a question about AI/QT but not sure where to direct it? The Cove can help!
The Robotic and Autonomous Systems Implementation & Coordination Office (RICO) leads Army's exploration of new technologies. They have expertise in a wide range of areas, including Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technologies.
The Cove has partnered with RICO for our AI/QT theme and RICO have graciously agreed to act as SMEs to further your PME in this area. So any questions you have, enter them below – as your questions come in, we will direct them to RICO, and find the right experts to address them. We will also bring relevant questions to participants in the Quantum Technology Challenge, Robotics Expo, and Innovation Day.
These are challenging topics, so stay posted to keep developing your intellectual edge, and enter your questions into the Question Box below. We will ask our experts from RICO to provide answers over the coming weeks.