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Darren Cronshaw
Darren Cronshaw

Darren Cronshaw is Chaplain at 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment. Previous postings were Army School of Transport, 1st Recruit Training Battalion and Defence Force School of Signals. He is also Professor of Practical and Intercultural Theology with Australian College of Ministries (Sydney College of Divinity). His hobby is pushing the boundaries of resilience in Ironman triathlons.

Darren has also written articles in collaboration with Jessie Cronshaw and Jenni Cronshaw.

An Australian Army soldier delivers orders during a live-fire fire mission.
Re-valuing ethical impulse training
This article presses the necessity of training soldiers to make ethical decisions in unique situations.
Australian Army soldiers conduct an observation lane during the Basic Sniper Pre-Selection Course.
The Tyranny of Distance: Where Have All My Friends Gone?
This article advances the importance of military personnel forming real friendships to improve resilience to what may come, including the changing character of war.
< 15 mins
Australian Army padre Chaplain Major James Hall leads a prayer for Australian and Fijian personnel during an evening devotion on Atata Island, Tonga, during Operation Tonga Assist 2022.
Purple Chaplaincy: Supporting an Integrated Force Towards 2045
This article explores the increasingly integrated role that chaplains undertake in the Joint Force and how it could be enhanced by 2045.
< 15 mins
Rwanda the Australian Contingent 1994-1995
ADF Values – Quick Military Education (QMEs)
Darren Cronshaw shares with us his Quick Military Education (QME) sessions on ADF values, perfect for some short-notice PME for reinforcing the Defence Values.
< 15 mins
Book cover of ‘Jus Post Bellum'.
Book Review | Jus Post Bellum
A book review of ‘Jus Post Bellum: Restraint, Stabilisation and Peace’ which unpacks some failures of achieving lasting peace in conflicts since the end of the cold war and the ethics and utility of restraint, reconciliation and all that can foster justice in the aftermath of war.
< 15 mins
Book cover of ‘Cyber Warfare Ethics'.
Book review | Cyber Warfare Ethics
A book review of Cyber Warfare Ethics that discusses the application of just war principles and what new ethical challenges are raised by the cyber domain, AI, automation, and other emerging technologies.
< 15 mins
Book covers of 'Endure' and 'The Comeback Quotient'.
Book Reviews | Endure and The Comeback Quotient
Two book reviews of 'Endure' and 'The Comeback Quotient', two sports psychology books focusing on how the mental can be harnessed to push physical boundaries.
< 15 mins
Book cover of ‘Mapping Security in the Pacific'.
Book Review | Mapping Security in the Pacific
A book review of Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture which discusses (in)security issues including climate change, natural disasters, and gender-based violence in several Pacific island countries.
< 15 mins
Book cover of ‘Preventing Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War (ISME Volume 5)'.
Book Review | Preventing Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War (ISME Volume 5)
A book review of ‘Preventing Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War (ISME Volume 5)’.
< 15 mins
Book cover of 'Ralph Honner: Kokoda Hero'.
Book Review | Ralph Honner: Kokoda Hero
A book review of Ralph Honner: Kokoda Hero by Peter Brune that celebrates the life and battles of a World War II hero from Tobruk and Crete to Isurava and Buna-Gona.
< 15 mins