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Matthew Malcolm
Matthew Malcolm

Matthew Malcolm is a full time Education Officer. He gained his Masters in Education from the University of Western Australia, and his Masters in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh. His PhD was awarded by the University of Nottingham. Having previously been posted to the Army Education Centre, he is now SO3 Professional Military Education.

Australian Army officers clear an enemy position during the Regimental Officer Basic Course.
Does PME Enhance Our Chances of Victory in War?
This article addresses the question of whether PME increases the likelihood of battlefield success, referencing research into the topic.
< 15 mins
An Australian Army soldier from Battle Group Ram assists a distraught foreign national role-player during a simulated non-combatant evacuation operation during Exercise Diamond Strike in Ingham, Queensland.
How to Disagree
This article discusses methods for debating that will hopefully prevent heated arguments.
< 15 mins
An Australian Army soldier shares skills and knowledge to his Indian Army counterparts.
Why Google Translate Isn’t Enough: Language and Culture in Human Warfare
This article seeks to emphasise the importance of cultural understanding and context to the task of translation and cross-cultural communication.
Recruits from Ukraine receive camouflage and concealment lessons from the British Army as part of field phase training delivered during Operation KUDU in the United Kingdom.
Does PME make a Difference to Battlefield Success? The Example of Ukraine
This article uses the example of the Russo-Ukrainian war to illustrate the utility of Professional Military Education.
< 15 mins
A man reading a book.
The Power of Fiction in an Era of Accelerated Warfare
This article discusses how literary fiction benefits intellectual development and looks at 3 books the authors found particularly compelling for this purpose.
Residential area of Dnipro Ukraine
Learning from Organisational Self-Deception in the Russo-Ukrainian War
This article looks into examples of organisational self-deception and what lessons can be drawn.
< 5 mins
Soldiers sitting in a lecture hall.
What is Army's Educational Philosophy?
This article attempts to pin down Army's Educational Philosophy.
Two soldiers holding a rocket launcher.
Grounding Our Ethics in What it Means to be Human
This article seeks to centre Ontological Ethics within Army's philosophical framework.
< 15 mins
Australian Army soldiers from 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, take a break during training at Mt Stuart, Townsville, on 17 November 2016.
How Can Army’s Values Permeate Army’s Workforce?
This article suggests improving Army education by bringing its values to the forefront.
< 5 mins