Stu Zahnleiter is an Infantry Officer serving as the Senior Instructor at the Officer Training Wing, LWC. His experiences are drawn from inside Combat Brigades, the Amphibious Task Group, and a number of instructional roles within Army. He holds Masters degrees in Business, Project Management and Military and Defence Studies, and is currently engaged in post graduate study in Educational Leadership.
Major Dean Kachab entered the Australian Regular Army in 2005 and has since held a number of broad technical, staff, and command postings. He has a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours from RMIT University, a Masters of Engineering Science from the University of NSW and a Diplôme approfondi de langue française (higher diploma of French) from the French Education Ministry. He is a graduate of the French Forces’ Command and Staff Course at the French War College and is presently in the role of Staff Officer Global for Army’s Directorate of International Engagement.