Preliminary Analysis
Prelim Analysis is the first step of the MAP and is primarily used to focus the commander or planning group on the requirements of the planning activity. This initial assessment defines the time available for the planning. The key outputs of the preliminary analysis are:
- Conduct planning time appreciation (plan to plan)
- Identify imposed key timings
- Issue commanders initial guidance to staff and subordinate call signs
- Issue the warning order
It is recommended that one third of the time available be used for planning while the other two thirds should be dedicated to subordinate call sign battle procedure and subsequent orders. Of the one third of time available, the below is recommended for the planning timeline:
- IPB, Reconnaissance and MA – concurrent with MA and ongoing
- Preliminary analysis – 10 percent
- MA – 20 percent
- COA Development – 20 percent
- COA Analysis – 40 percent
- Orders and Execution – 10 percent
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB)
When planning in a staff environment, you may find yourself responsible for, or assisting with, analysis of the battlespace or the enemy and subsequently providing inputs into the 'Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace' (IPB). This could occur at any time during planning, as the IPB is an on-going process and must be kept updated as new information is provided.
Whilst predominately a responsibility of the Intelligence Branch, it is important that all staff have a detailed understanding of the outputs to enable their further planning. For example, understanding the battlespace will aide in developing a concept of logistics support, or designing communications architecture.
This video, produced by ALPC, provides an explanation of the 'Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace' (IPB) which is one of the five steps of the Military Appreciation Process (MAP). In addition, it discusses the four steps of the IPB:
- Define the battle space environment
- Describe the battle space effects
- Evaluate the enemy
- Determine enemy courses of action