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Weaponisation of Social Media
Summary of Learning:
Discover how social, political and diplomatic environments have been disrupted and transformed by the power and influence of digital platforms. This course addresses how platforms have changed business models, political campaigns and international relations, as well as a deep exploration of the specifics of platforms and their audience and user cultures. It will examine the interplay between the media, society and power.
The Learning Objective:
1. Develop an understanding of the specific ways that platforms have transformed media, social and political environments. 2. Develop an understanding of the specificity of social media platforms for content creation, distribution and user engagement. 3. Develop information literacy skills to understand the social, cultural, legal and ethical impacts of social media platforms and potential impacts and consequences for internal and external stakeholders.
> 30 mins
Cyber security: Current and future strategies
Summary of Learning:
This ‘holistic’ cyber security masterclass examines the ecosystem (internal and external to the organisation) and the impact on people, information, systems, processes, culture and physical surroundings. This course assumes no technical experience or competence in cyber security management and is aimed at professionals in digital-reliant organisations. It will aid participants to develop an understanding of potential organisational impacts from cyber-attacks and the relevant protective measures for your organisation. You will also gain the knowledge of an effective cyber security strategies for cyber security awareness and protection to deal with future cyber attacks.
The Learning Objective:
1. Develop an understanding of the importance of cyber security to an organisation through a ‘sense-making’ approach across different organisational contexts;
2. Develop an understanding and skills to apply contemporary cyber security practices with respect to within organisational networks, as well as external supply chains and ecosystems.
> 30 mins
Communities of Practice
Summary of Learning:
This course provides the participant with the understanding of how to develop and sustain Communities of Practice (CoP) for the modern organisation with the aim of managing and supporting optimal knowledge exchange, collaboration and performance improvement. It examines the essential ingredients for developing strong engagement and exchange of knowledge including, content, curation, engagement and approaches to technology enablement.
The Learning Objective:
1. Develop an understanding the value proposition for members of Communities of Practice through different approaches to community creation
2. Develop an understanding of the foundational elements for effective knowledge exchange, collaboration and learning through CoP
3. Develop an understanding of key strategies for developing and sustaining Communities of Practice
> 30 mins
Autonomous Robotics
This course introduces participants to the foundations of robotics and computer vision. The unit introduces the technologies and methods used in the design and programming of modern intelligent robots, and encourages critical thinking about the use of robotic technologies in various applications. The objective of this course is to provide the understanding of the basic concepts and challenges in developing mobile robots that act autonomously in complex environments. The course introduces several types of robots such as wheeled robots, legged robots and drones.
The Learning Objective:
1. Develop an understanding of the basic concepts of mobile robot development and application in both civilian and military applications.
2. Develop an understanding of the key technical elements required for robotics application such as locomotion and environment perception and motion planning
3. Develop an understanding realistic problems in robotics and computer vision at an introductory level.
> 30 mins
Change Management
Technological shifts, social change, uncertain economic conditions, and the emergence of new business models have created a highly competitive and dynamic business environment. In this new era, the effective management of change has become essential for sustained organisational success and has become an essential competency for professionals. In this course you will explore the complexities of change management, develop practical competencies in planning organisational change and the use of change management approaches.
> 30 mins
Performance Appraisal
This course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of best practices in Performance Appraisal. It covers the performance Appraisal principles and techniques from the perspectives of both the organisation of the individual. It places the emphasis on the relationship between managers and the individual in order to meet the expectations of the organisation whilst building skills for the individual to have meaningful and realistic performance conversations.
> 30 mins
Information Technology: Gamification Techniques
Game design can help organisations drive engagement through social media or encourage participation in company culture. Game elements applied to real-world activities have the power to increase engagement in a way that's fun and even more importantly, trackable. This course will provide participants with an understanding of using game mechanics to create incentives for people to learn or accomplish a goal and the relationship between motivation and reward structures.
> 30 mins
Introduction to Contract Management
Contracts form the basis of many business relationships and so effective contract management is vital to ensuring deliverables are met; maximising financial performance and decreasing risk. This introductory level course provides a practical guide to managing contracts in the defence context through exploration of the contract lifecycle; from tendering and negotiating to managing risk and administering contracts. It introduces the notion of sustainable relationships with suppliers through better management of the tendering and selection process, understand of IP management and monitoring the performance of suppliers, manage risk and resolve disagreements more effectively.
> 30 mins
Digital Literacy
This Digital literacy course ensures you have the understanding of the physical operations of digital devices and incorporates the ability to search and navigate, create, communicate and collaborate, think critically, analyse information, and address safety and wellbeing using a variety of digital technologies. These skills are essential for individuals to participate effectively in today’s society and this course has a focus on the application of digital literacy in the workplace.
> 30 mins
Organisational Transformation
In recent times, the way we have conducted business has been subject to disruptions more than ever before. These disruptions, created by exponential technology growth, socio-political shifts, and societal expectations, are demanding that we develop new business models, implement more agile ways of working, and adopt new and novel different approaches. This course will provide the participant with an appreciation of the shifts that are creating the need for organisations to transform their models, approaches, relationships and systems. We will introduce transformational models and explore the various dimensions of organisational life that must be considered to enable sustainable change on a technical, behavioural, and cultural level.
> 30 mins