Team Readiness by Mr Phil Temby Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG)

Teams are the foundation blocks of building capability in the military, and although there is a plethora of research in this area, little specifically addresses team readiness. Leaders need to know not only that teams have the capability to perform key roles and tasks, but also have the capacity for future performance. This talk presents a useful model of team readiness informed by the science of team development and outlines the development of a tool for measuring real time readiness of Army teams. This tool aims to be user friendly, scalable to larger or smaller teams, incorporates key factors that contribute to team readiness, and contributes to data informed conversations about team performance. 

Team Dynamics by Dr Kurt Moody Science and Technology Advisor Defence Science and Technology Group

Measuring team performance in a military environment is complex; this presentation addresses one aspect, how GPS metrics may be used in a small military team setting. in elite sports teams, GPS technology provides a valuable source of information to adapt training and development of specific players according to their physical and tactical needs. This talk outlines the development of a valid way of measuring team performance in a military environment, specifically in small team attacks.