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Patrick Coppin
Patrick is currently a SERCAT 5 Medical Technician working as an Intensive Care Paramedic in the civilian health system. Patrick started his career in pre-hospital medicine as a Medical Technician within the Australian Regular Army undertaking multiple postings including operational service as a Company Medic.
Path to the Gallipoli Campaign | Part 4: Movement to Gallipoli Peninsula
Part 4 of the Path to the Gallipoli Campaign explores the initial concept to attack the Ottoman Empire and take the Dardanelles Strait by Sir Winston Churchill up to the foreboding hours on the eve of the 25th April 1915.
< 15 mins
CoveTalk | 2 DIV PME Series – The Australian Civil-Military Centre
The 2 Div PME CoveTalk for April focused on the Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC). Nicola Rosenblum discussed the ACMC’s recent publication, ‘Same Space – Different Mandates’, which aims to improve stakeholder collaboration when responding to international disasters and complex emergencies, focusing on the complexity of interagency collaboration to promote productive relationships, dialogue, and constructive civil-military-police interaction.
< 5 mins
Path to the Gallipoli Campaign | Part 7: Creation of the ANZAC Tradition
The 7th and final part of the Path to the Gallipoli Campaign delves into the origin of the word ‘ANZAC’, formalisation into a public holiday across the country – marked by dawn vigils and services – to commemorate the Australia’s first fight as a newly formed nation.
< 15 mins