Warrant Officer Class One Mark Grigg is a Combat Engineer with over 30 years of experience in Army. He has been posted in regimental, training and representational Joint appointments. Mark was The Cove's very own Warrant Officer Professional Military Education at Headquarters Forces Command between 2020 and 2023.
Mark spearheaded the Leaders and Legends podcast series, which explores the wide range of experiences and careers in the Australian Army through personal interviews. He also produced and presented input from SMEs in his Body Mind Soul Series. In addition he authored a number of popular articles and was the moderator of the 2023 RSM-A Panel. Mark has been a tireless contributor to The Cove behind the scenes, and in late 2023 was recognised for this as The Cove's fifth Frequent Contributor.

WO1 Mark Grigg receiving his Cove Frequent Contributor trophy
Leaders and Legends – Cove Podcast Series (Episodes 1 - 8)
Body, Mind & Soul: Series 1 - Body
Body, Mind & Soul: Series 2 – Mind